Co-curricular Activities
The school conducts workshop on Robotics for the students in order to make them learn the basic concepts and gain the practical experience and to promote robotics right from the grass roots. The workshop infuses basic practical knowledge about robotics mechanisms and its applications among students.

Science Exhibition
In order to engage the students in learning new facts BNCS successfully conducts science exhibitions under the able guidance of our dynamic teachers.

In order to measure growth in student’s knowledge, abilities and skills helps them practice their existing knowledge and to stimulate interest in learning about new subject matter, quiz is a brief assessment used in education by our BNCS.

Drawing, colouring, and painting activities are given equal importance in the school to motivate the young artists, to help them develop their creative skills, and to expose their contemporary talents in the field.

Writing is a part of student’s daily lives. Believing that good handwriting skills leads to stronger academic performances, students were given calligraphy writing activities and competitions which help them building their capacity level and boost their memory power as well.

Story Telling / Poetry Recitation
To familiarize the students with the true spirit of a language such as pronunciation, intonation tone, and literary forms.